Twitter Updates



Realized lately that it's been a while since I've written anything here.  But then again, I haven't kept up with anything online like I used to, except maybe twitter and facebook...but more-so twitter. I think the main reason is not having internet at home except for spotty wireless at home. I usually just go to campus or use the wifi at the Christian Challenge. Why pay for internet when you can get it free (and legally at that, lol)?

Anyways, guess I'll just use this post as a general update since the last post.  If you don't already follow me on twitter or are not friends with me on facebook (and why aren't you? There's a link to my twitter somewhere on this page, so get on that), then you should know I am currently in a long-distance relationship going on almost 1 year now! She's in South Dakota and we'll be celebrating the official 1 year at the end of this month...with a visit from me! This will be the 3rd visit -- we've been trading off every few months -- with maybe one or two more to follow before I make an final lasting visit next summer. Yep, that's right, I'll be heading up to the frozen north.

It's a pretty big deal for me cuz it'll be the biggest move from where I grew up that I've made on my own.  I'm kinda nervous about it but it'll be worth it to finally be together with her. I also think maybe starting over in a new place is something I need. I've grown far too comfortable staying in this area and I think I'm starting to grow moss (or maybe I just need a shower). But seriously, I haven't done much or what I've wanted here and part of that is having too much comfort to fall back on. And most of the great people of the Bible had to leave the comfortable behind to embrace the blessing God had planned for them, so here's to embracing a new blessing!

Until that move, I'll be making another shorter one with my sister to a new apartment. I was hoping to stay in the house I'm at until next summer but a few developments have come up since I planned the move to SD.  Mostly it just involves my roommates moving on with their lives just as I am with mine. "J" will be heading overseas for (at least) 2 years; "K" just needed to live on his own; "I" will be getting married soon; and "M" is going to be deployed for a year and then hopefully beginning a new career. I'm happy that we're all moving on and have been able to enjoy living together for these 2 years. I thank God for the blessing they've been and I hope I've been just as much of one for them. My only problem is finding a new temporary home with a pretty short warning. I also need to get my car fixed. Luckily I've already got a few good leads on places to live and have a friend who is willing to look at and possible fix my car for free (I'll be paying him back in some way of course).

I'm sure I could say a lot more about all of this, but I don't have the energy and I don't want to waste your time so that's basically the short version of an update on my past year. What have you all been up to? What changes do you need to make or which comforts do you need to leave in order to embrace a blessing?

Do you like roller-coasters?

I love roller-coasters. Don't get to ride them much but I love the thrill and want to keep trying new ones.

Ask me anything


My Summer Overseas

**Been meaning to upload this for a while. Sorry for the delay**

Since the beginning of the summer I'd been keeping a written journal and actually kept up with it everyday (well, almost everyday...I started it the day I left and have been keeping it fairly regularly since coming back to the US).  The journal itself was a gift from my friend/roommate Jeremy to be used during the summer while I was in Eastern Europe as a way to channel my thoughts and feelings of experiencing a new country and culture as well as what I was learning.  I looked forward to that time each day and was told by one of the friends I went with that I was writing A LOT more than he was. Obviously he'd never seen my blogs before!  A lot of what I was writing was stuff that can't be shared here for various reasons (some official and some just personal) but half the time I was writing as if someone other than myself would be reading it someday. I guess I was just used to getting my thoughts out in the public for all to see (b/c of this and other blogs along with twitter). Now that I've reached the last pages of that journal I'm trying to decide whether I want to keep up with the written journal or just try to blog semi-regularly here. I suppose I could do both...

Anyways, all that to say there is quite a lot to update y'all on.  I'll do my best to keep it relatively concise.  First of all this summer was an amazing experience and despite all the journaling I still have trouble expressing it in words.  I wish I could have stayed longer because I made a good number of friends while there and yet barely had time to really get to know them. We did, however, get quite a few opportunities to share things about our lives (loves, dreams, belief, fears, hopes) with these friends and that made the time we did get worth it.  And there are so many places there I wanted to see but didn't get to because I was sick or incapacitated with my broken leg (more on that in a bit). What is cool though is that I have friends back here that have met most of the same friends and saw the same places and experienced the same things and more that I never came close to. We can share stories and these friends have been giving me deeper insight into things I experienced or explained things I didn't understand. It's been a real blessing, but just talking with them about my summer just makes me want to go back even more. I haven't ruled out a return trip someday though...but it'll have to wait til after I graduate. From there I'll just have to wait and see.  Ya, I know I said a lot without really saying anything, but that's basically b/c it's hard to pick out specific moments/stories/friends to talk about. If you want to really know, just ask me (the more specific the question, the better). I can even share pictures/video if you'd like.

The one story that needs telling is the broken leg I alluded to earlier.  So, it was the day before my birthday (which is July 4) and I was hanging out with some American friends in a local park in the city I was staying in and in the spirit of all the World Cup action going on we decided to play some soccer before the main reason for all of us Americans coming together (an annual kickball game).  All was going great and I thought I was playing pretty well, when me and another guy crash into each other going for the ball. As I'm falling, I hear a "pop" that doesn't bode well, but at first just think maybe it was a joint around my ankle popping b/c I wasn't feeling any pain. No big deal. Then I try to get up and realize, "Oooooh K! Maybe it's a bit more serious than I thought!"  My friends help me off the field to a spot to check out my ankle/leg to see how bad it is.  We do the whole RICE routine and a few of the guys with some basic medical emergency knowledge try to diagnose it and decide that it's most likely a sprained ankle. So, for the next few days that's how we treat it (even consulting a friend's mom - who is a nurse - over Skype to be sure it's just a sprain).  Eventually, I'm even told to start gradually putting more weight on it and such, and if the swelling and stuff goes down it should be ok.  Well, a week later it's still just about as swollen as it was, so we realize it's time to see a doctor.

The best option for me was a European/International hospital, so we go there and have it checked out. Turns out, it was a fracture in my lower fibula and I had 2 options on how they could fix it: 1) a cast that would take weeks before I could be back on my feet normally or 2) a surgery in which they would put a metal plate and screws in and I would be up and walking-ish in just about 2 weeks. After talking it over with our groups' higher-ups, my parents, and the insurance people, we finally decide on the surgery.  We found out the insurance I had for the summer would actually cover all of the cost of having the surgery there and then some post-op visits and other stuff, as opposed to only a fraction of the cost if I went home earlier than the other guys and had the surgery back in the States, so that was a real blessing. I'd get to finish out the time and not have to pay a cent.

All in all, I'd do it all over again, and if you ever get an opportunity - whether it's for a week(s), month(s), or year(s) - I'd encourage you to take it and make the most of it. You'll not only have an experience of a lifetime, but will also hopefully learn something about yourself and others and get a bigger picture of the world beyond your front door.


Blog Every Week April?

Last year in April I participated in a little thing called Blog Every Day (in) April aka BEDA inspired by a blogging author you may or may not have heard of named Maureen Johnson. I didn't feel like doing that this year just b/c (check out last year's if you'd like) it's a little exhausting to keep up with everyday. This year some people I know are doing it, but there are also people doing it video style (Vlog Every Day April or VEDA) and some of the not so dedicated are doing Vlog Every Week (in ) April (VEWA). I've felt like blogging recently but not everyday, b/c it would mostly be the same thing just about every day which would get boring, so I'm gonna try blogging at least once a week making this (BEWA...I feel like I need an "RE"...feel free to suggest something in the comments). It'll also be practice for this summer when my team will have to blog once a week anyways even if I won't necessarily be the one writing it.

Speaking of this summer, I'm really excited that I get the opportunity to go with a few friends as part of a project in a Former Soviet Republic where we'll be studying the language and culture and doing a few other things in our spare time. It's getting closer to when we leave (May 23rd), so I'm really starting to feel that it's really happening.  One of the things I'm anxious about though is the financial aspect. I trust that God will provide what I need one way or another but right now I'm only at halfway to what I need to be at. We had to send out support letters (some of you may have gotten one) and the official due date for people to send any support in was the 1st of this month. I know a few have been sent and have yet to have come in, but it still leaves me well short of the goal.  No one in the past has not gone on this project b/c of a lack of funds so it's not something I should worry about, but I guess I'm just wondering where it's going to come from. Philippians 4:6-7 says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." So I guess that's something I need to work on.

And speaking of things I need to work on. I really need to be guarding my heart emotionally.  You could say that's been a weak point for me for most of my life. I consider myself a romantic and that means my heart is easily stirred by a song I hear, a part of a book I'm reading (right now that just happens to be Pride & Prejudice & Zombies), a movie I've seen or the most recent wedding of a friend I've been to. And you may have noticed I happen to hit on this subject at least once a blog. BTW, if that's getting to be tedious to you readers, please let me know. I try not to get all whiney or gooey and such about it, but it's usually what's on my mind a lot, and blogs are partly to get out what's on one's mind, right? The issue I'm facing right now is that the object of my emotions is someone that's been a friend for about quite a few years now. The only reason I haven't pursued anything is that around the time I first knew her word got out that I liked her and her response made it clear that she would rather be friends. I've honored that since then but have begun to wonder if things could be different now that we've known each other this long. What do you think? Is it worth at least giving a shot?

Status of Doctor Who watching: Still at the same point in the classic series, but I have now seen the start of the 11th Doctor! I was weary at first b/c the early promotional pics had a very Twilight-esque feel to them but having now seen Matt Smith in action I can say I am fairly pleased and the previews for the season have piqued my interest even more. The only things I'm wary of now are his catchphrase ("Geronimo!"  10's catchphrase was a little more original which is why I liked it more).
Verse of the Moment: Philippians 4:6-7, and since it's related, Proverbs 4:23


Vaguely back in the saddle and heading out

Oi, it's been a while since I've blogged...anywhere.  I blame twitter...and then move on.

The two things I really want to blog about I can't say much about. One is just personal for now and the other is something I can't say too much about for safety reasons*. In a way they are kind of related which is kind of nice. Makes for an easy transition in this blog.

Almost every other time I blog it seems I mention (vaguely) some girl that I like and this time is no different.  This is, however, probably the longest I've gone without tweeting or blogging about something like this, mostly because I'd like to think I've developed a bit more self-control about how much I share online, but I'm allowed a little indulgence every now and then. It's all about moderation, right? I've decided that since I've already told my sister who I like I can at least say something about it to the rest of y'all.  I'm not going to divulge any names (including that of the guy my sister said she likes...we made a pact that involves dismemberment if either party tells), but I just want to vaguely blog about this more as a release.

Looking back, I realize that I liked her since the earliest memory I have of knowing who she was.  At the time it was just a simple crush, and I'm sure I had a few crushes at the time and I had more interaction with those others, so she got pushed out off the radar. I'm not sure what brought her back onto my radar, but it was probably around when I heard her talk about something** she is passionate about. I admired her passion about it and it was something that I'd had on my mind/heart for a while as well. I'm sure it was more than just coincidence, but I need to remember the wise words of The Oceanic Six's song, "Mr. Eko"***:  Don't mistake coincidence for fate.  I'm not saying it isn't but I just want to be cautious with my heart in case she isn't the one****.

Anyways, since the time she's been back on my radar I've tried been looking for ways to pursue her. At first I just left a flower where she'd see it, but I never left any indication that it was me*****.  I've also just been looking for any hints that maybe she likes me as well, but results are inconclusive at the time.  In other words, there have been a few things that I could have read into but were most likely nothing special.  I just need to find a way to say what I think when I'm around her or see her or even something that just reminds me of her.  A friend recently told me to just go for it, but even though I've been a bit bolder about other things recently, I still can't get past my insecurity about how to pursue her. Right now, I'm just praying for open doors and continuing to strive to be the person I hope she's looking for.  By that last part I don't mean I'm trying to change who I am for her. I'm just trying to focus on improving a higher relationship: one with my Savior******. So....yah, that's about enough vagueness/rambling about that for now.

Now for the other thing I wanted to blog about.  If you've seen my status updates on Facebook or if you follow me on twitter you've probably seen me mention that I'll be going overseas this summer.  This is something that's been on my heart for a while and something I've been seeking God's will about for a while.  It started as a seed planted back at a summer camp during my middle school years and has been growing into something bigger ever since.  This isn't just a see the world thing, even though I've wanted that for a while.  I'm the type that is comfortable with just staying where I'm at and enjoying that as much as possible. The thing is that 1) most things worth talking about happen when we break out of the comfortable and take a risk, 2) the life I've been given isn't supposed to be an easy one *******, and 3) the Great Commission isn't just fulfilled at home, it involves some amount of "going".

I know you're all wondering where it is that I'll be going, but all I can say is that it is a former Soviet Republic in Eastern Europe. More than anything I'm hoping for friends (or even strangers) to be praying for me and the guys I'm going with as we prepare to go and then once we're there to continue praying for us********. If anyone would like to help out financially (tax deductible donation), let me know (it'll have to get in by April 1st, just FYI) and I can let you know how.  For now we're just coming together as a team and starting to learn/practice things that we'll need.  As the weeks get closer I'm getting more excited, but right now it almost doesn't feel real, and it probably won't until just before we head out.  I'll be leaving around the end of May, and if anyone wants to be there to see me off or when I come back I'll give more specific dates when I know the details.

BTW, if you're wondering how the two things are related, I'm not gonna say here. Sorry. Always leave 'em guessing, I say.

Almost forgot the Doctor Who and "verse of the moment"

Status of Doctor Who watching: All caught up with the last of David Tennant's run as the Doctor, eagerly awaiting the new season with Matt Smith, and the last episodes of the classic series I saw was The Aztecs.  I'm also caught up on The Adventures of Sarah Jane (spin-off).
Verse of the Moment: Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

Footnotes (because I like to copy things other bloggers do):

* Not so much my safety as that of others.
** I say "something" not b/c I don't remember what it was, but b/c I'm usually vague about stuff, and that makes it easier for others to relate to this feeling. Or at least that's my excuse.
*** Available now at if you like pop/dance type music and the TV show LOST
**** (at least I know her name, but I think guys can relate to this song sometimes)
***** I can be a romantic but sometimes I need to think these things through a bit more or else it could come off more creepy than sweet/romantic.
****** Like that saying goes: "A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her." I believe this could be another reason she came back on my radar.
******* That doesn't mean we aren't given the tools to be able to succeed or any help along the way, though.
******** There'll be a team blog for anyone who wants to updates while we're over there. I'm fairly certain that's the right link. I'll change it if not.


What do you want for Christmas (both if you could have anything and "reasonable" ideas)?

anything: new laptop and wireless internet at home, and maybe a new car for my sister (and maybe me, better camera...and since we're saying "ANYthing", a TARDIS :-p

reasonable: pants, books to read, and music (either iTunes gift card or cds...Michael Buble's newest is on my wish list), and a USB memory thing.

Ask me anything