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Never left, I was just taking a break

That title could apply to a few things. I at first just meant leaving this blog for livejournal. I only took a break b/c I didn't feel like cross-posting everyday for a month. Well at least not cross-posting in two other blogs. In case you didn't know I was blogging everyday for the month of April. I chose to that on my new livejournal account because I thought it would be a good way to get more involved with the friends I had there who were also doing this Blog Every Day in April (BEDA) thing. I was cross-posting on another site for a while but that site was related to the person (Maureen Johnson) who started/inspired this thing that didn't exist until a week or two before April.

Anyways, if you didn't know any of that or don't particularly care, that's ok. Just thought I'd share. If you didn't see the notices about the blogs on facebook or twitter, feel free to click on the 1st link and browse through the month or even older posts. Feel free to comment as well. You should be able to leave a comment "annonymously" if you don't have an LJ account or an OpenID account. If you hadn't heard from me in a while those blogs might help you know what's been going on with me.

Speaking of not having heard from or talked to me in a while I know there's a few of you in Las Cruces/@ NMSU that I haven't seen in a while. Which brings me to the 2nd connotation of the title. To anyone wondering, I haven't graduated yet, and I'll still be coming back to finish my degree, but I am currently taking a break from school to work and save up.

I've also been living down in El Paso with my family for the past year (almost to the day I think), but now that my Dad has a new job in Houston we'll have to leave this house. Amanda and I won't be following Mom and Dad down there (Dad's already there getting settled in and working, and Mom will be joining him this summer). The two of us will be moving back up to Cruces when Mom leaves. I have a few friends that I'll be living with (and I'm looking forward to that), but as far as I know Amanda doesn't know who she'll be living with, so if you've got a room or are looking for a roommate, let her know (girls only, sorry guys).

So, that should just about catch you up with what I've been up to and what's going on. If you have any other questions let me know and I'll be happy to answer 'em, or at least try to, haha.

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