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Back in the Land of Enchantment

I thought about vlogging an update on youtube because I think it would help me with public speaking which I have a difficult time with occasionally, and also because I've picked up a few more subscribers and feel like I should keep them entertained or up to date if they care. I think I would ramble too much though and I don't have access to editing software for now so it would go on too long, I'm sure. Also, I finally got moved in with my friends a couple of weeks ago, and it's hard to find a place/time in the house to vlog quietly. The last vlog I did had to be from my car which kinda weird.

Speaking of that last vlog, it wasn't even for my personal channel on YT. If you hadn't heard yet, I'm part of a new collab channel called SnailMates with my friends Beth and Lucy. It basically started when Beth asked her friends on twitter if anyone wanted to receive letters (snail mail style) from her and both Lucy and I said sure. Then, I think it was Lucy who suggested the collab idea. Unlike just about every other collab channel on youtube, our main way of talking to each other would be in letters/postcards. We'll read the letters on the channel and respond to them then or in another letter. We've been talking on twitter and reading each other's blogs for the better part of this year now, and I think this will help us get closer as friends, especially since Lucy is separated from Beth and I by the whole Pacific Ocean and a hemisphere. Beth is in Alabama and is a HS friend of my sister although I never met/knew her then. But anyways, I hope you'll check that out, it should be fun.

Okay, enough promoting. I basically just wanted to let anyone who cares know that I finally moved back up to Las Cruces after a year and half in El Paso. Mom is almost all packed up to head to Houston with my dad in a few weeks, and Amanda should be coming back up to Cruces soon as well. Both of us are gonna be taking a break from school to work and save up to go back. She's only got a semester left when she does, which I'm proud of her since it's taken me longer to get out of here and I'm still not done (and still in undergrad status). I'm kinda disheartened though as well because it feels like I'll never get through with this school thing and it's mostly my fault, though most of the time I just blame one stupid class that I hate more and more every time I think about it, and really wish they'd drop it as a requirement. Rawr!!

Speaking of dinosaurs (didn't see that coming, did you?), I'm loving living in the new place with my friends from school/Christian Challenge ministry. It's the first time I've lived with people I knew beforehand and who are not family. I mention dinosaurs because before school started back up, we didn't have much to do during the day so we started watching the Beast Wars Transformers cartoon from the 90s, and quote it or make refernce to it at least once a day. We've even converted new fans when friends stop by. My favorite (almost spelled that "favourite"...darn you British and Aussie friends! :-p j/k) thing to do is imitate Megatron who has a habit of adding "yes" or "no" to the beginning and ending of his sentences. *wrings hands like evil villians tend to do when plotting* That will suit me just wonderfully, yes. And my roommates, Isaac and Jeremy, have picked up Optimas Primal's phrase "Well, that's just prime!"....Okay so it might just be fun to us as a kind of inside joke thing, but it's cool to have that bond already as roommates.

Another thing I love about my roommates is how we can have great and random spiritual talks throughout the day and just generally encourage one another daily, even through the little things. This is gonna be a good thing. I just hope I can get a more steady job than working events for the Pan Am Center so that I can contribute more financially other than rent and utilites. Thankfully because there are 5 of us (one is going to be gone for a while on deployment to Iraq) it's not much all split up.

I'm also glad to be back up here to be able to see and keep up with friends I've been missing while I was down in El Paso. I've felt out of the loop and not as close to these people since I've been away. While I was gone though, I made a ton of new friends online through youtube and twitter, and now I just need to find the balance of time spent with both. Yes, that will be quite difficult (there I go again, lol).

There's more I wanted to talk about but I'll probably just tweet more of that kind of stuff throughout the day or try to update this more than once a month.

And just for the fun of it, I'll end this with where I'm at in watching through Beast Wars.

Beast Wars status: Season 2, Episode 11

1 comment:

Rob said...

Are your folks moving to Houston to live or is it just a vacation? I've lived in the Houston area for many years, apart from a few years working overseas.