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Miss me much?

Well, it's been a while since my last post, and if you actually read this blog (thanks if ya do!) you're probably wondering what's been goin' on. Did I fall off the face of the earth? Have some kind of serious, life altering experience that kept me from blogging? To answer briefly: no and no. Not a whole lot happened, but I'll sum it up anyways. I (mostly) survived yet another semester at good ol' NMSU...yes, I'm still there and still goin' for the BA (insert super-senior joke here). I'm still single and looking - and by that I mean I'm not really looking, but if ms. right comes along I won't send her away ;-) - even though there was almost something around February, but it just wasn't meant to be more than friends. I took yet another dance class (I may just turn out like the teacher sooner or later and have it become more than just an elective) if anyone's interested in helpin' me keep in practice, let me know ;-). I was kinda hoping for something with someone off and on throughout the semester but I'm at the point now of just letting it out of my hands and trusting God to bring her around when I'm ready.

So, what's new you ask? For starters, Dad no longer works for A.O. Smith and the family is together again back in El Paso! Still in the NE but a little closer to NM now. Right now everyone is looking for work again. Mom's finding out what she needs to be a certified TX teacher; Dad's trying to find a place to put his engineering skills to use (hoping for something with those wind turbines -- yay renewable energy!); and Amanda and I are looking for anything to help bring in the dough. I am especially hoping for something quick b/c I'm hoping to be moving in with my friends Michael, Kam, and Jeremy this fall but if I'm gonna help out with rent I need some kind of income. I'm excited about this b/c it'll be the first time since my parents moved away that I won't be living with family! Nothing against them, of course, but a guy's gotta break away sometime, right? And they won't be randomly appointed dorm roommate's for once, but rather 3 awesome Christian brothers! So I can't wait!

Anyways, that pretty much brings you up to speed for now. Stay tuned for more, hopefully sooner than later. After this holiday weekend (including a wedding, and possibly Wet n Wild and BalloonFest '08) maybe?


-etch said...

The top header of your blog page needs editing. "Celebrating he special..." I think you mean the not he.

ha ha


Anonymous said...

in respone to the "easter" Europe question. I will be going to Eastern europe, but on the "about me" section I put "Easter Europe" in reference to a typo that Dan made on his first blog entry.
It's a joke, that's all

Sean said...

ya, Amanda told me later and I didn't feel as clever. oh well. for a small moment I thought I caught a funny typo and my small world was great!