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Adventures of a bum

I'm wondering if short weekly updates, even if they're just a little bit longer than twitter updates, might be the way to go. But with me it's hardly ever that condensed. We'll see...

It's been about 2-3 months and really nothing much has happened. Well, I mean I've done stuff like hanging out with friends in El Paso, watching movies, gone bowling, done dinner with groups, and filled out a few applications (by a few, I mean a lot...but no response so far )-: ). But for the most part it's been a lot of sitting at home re-reading through books, wasting time on stupid addicting facebook apps, or channel surfing thru digital cable (BBC Amercia is my new fav). But at least I'm not the lone bum at home. The whole family is stuck jobless with not much to do but fill out more applications and hope someone says yes. It's a sad site really, but dad's got his garden hobby back which is cool.

Another benefit is that I've had time to look thru all my stuff and slowly declutter and focus. Gets me thinking about what's really important and what I really need in my life. Like, do I really wear this or use this or read that or do I just keep them around b/c of memories? Another part is it'll be something I haven't used or worn in a very long time but I'll rationalize it by saying that one day I'll need it or have the right occasion for it and it will have been worth it to keep it. *sigh* packrat there a 12-step program for that?

"Hi, my name is Sean and...I'm a packrat."
"Hiiii Sean!"

The more I think about it though, a lot of it is stored either digitally (like on iTunes or digital pics online) or in my head as memories I can access anytime. And the books can mostly be found at a library - remember those?

And anyways, to keep all this stuff like it's mine and no one else's is pretty darn selfish. I should take a hint from the early Christian church in Acts (2:45) who "sold their possessions and goods and divided them among all, as anyone had need" I'm just thankful for those reminders of how things aught to be to keep me in check (2 Timothy 3:16).

Plus, if I end up moving in with the guys up in Cruces the less stuff I bring the better since space'll be limited. Speaking of going back to Cruces...I'm 98% sure I won't we taking any classes this semester. My focus is just gonna have to be on working and saving up and such. Hopefully I can get a job in a school for experience. But if no place else hires I think I'm gonna have to do what a good percentage of my friends have done recently...go to work at a call center. Nothing against my friends or the businesses, it's just that it's not where I'd choose to work. But the pay is better than I'd get most places, especially without a degree yet. But anyways that only happens if the schools say no.

I think that about sums up where I'm at. Want more updates? check out my Twitter feed or find me on facebook or if you wanna see where i'm wasting my time online follow me on (enough shameless promotion...I'd do it more but they aren't payin me yet :-p)

1 comment:

aphness said...

You should definitely update more. So should I.

Mom sends FLYlady stuff to you that she thinks will help you declutter. :) (And, have A LOT of clothes.)