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Days 5-7

#8 will come later tonight. For now here's the last few days (forgot to copy/paste from LJ...I blame Skype :-p)

Day 5
ok, by now I'm sure ya know the rules....onto the good stuff:

1) Breakfast for dinner
2) Peace that passes all understanding :-)
3) Sharing embarrassing pics online and making someone's day
4) Watching "We Are Marshall" with the family
5) Gunther...nuff said

6) Cardinals going to the Superbowl
7) Telepathy
8) JuNu...again, nuff said

Day 6
1) "FTM (For the Meh)" even tho it got rejected by the Urban Dictionary editors. (maybe I should try merriam-websters next?
2) Having a bunch of new snacks in the house, just cuz Mom felt like it.
3) Pork chops, cranberry stuffing, and yams.
4) John Green on BlogTV, especially the reading of his piece from 21 Proms, and planning a Nerdfighter Morp (that I will wear a pink tux to if it ever happens)
5) Distracting myself from thoughts about tomorrow morning any way possible.
6) Being made fun of in a youtube video. You know you've made when jokes are made about you on the webs :-p
7) Undead Journal, lol. zombies taking over, FTW!

Day 7
1) I got a longer entry in the dream journal today...nevermind that it wasn't the best dream :-p Plus it showed I've got some strong feelings about this.
2) The tooth extraction wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. For one, the anesthesia didn't wear off in the middle.
3) I didn't miss the Inauguration. He gave a great speech. Now to see what he actually can accomplish.
4) I was sorted into Gryffindor today, though I wonder if I might have been in a different house because I was undecided on a few of the answers. Not disappointed tho =)
5) Pudding, bananas and PB&J were the only food I had today. Not the best selection but not horrible =)
6) I got someone started on twitter b/c of my guest spot on the collab channel (Nerdfightastic).

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