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Day 8: The Last Day(?)

So the rules of this meme were to do this for 8 days and then tag 8 of your friends to keep it going. I may continue this in my own way by stating a few things that made me happy when I do regular entries, especially if it's a day that wasn't very great overall. It can really help to look back and find the great moments or just the little things that made me happy each day. Yesterday was one of those days when I really just wanted to complain about the problems after getting my wisdom tooth removed, but doing this meme helped find the things to be thankful for. So thanks to for tagging me! =) Now on to the good stuff:

1) Went back to the dentist this morning to fix the problem that was worrying me yesterday. This time he stitched up the site and it's been healing much better today.
2) Shopping for more soft/cold stuff to eat that wouldn't irritate the missing tooth area (ice cream, applesauce, fruit cups, and pasta salad)
3) Season 5 of Lost began tonight! Lots of "What!???!!!" moments and a few new mysteries to ponder....basically the things that make it worth watching and so addicting.
4) An unexpected conversation.
5) Walking through a little bit of someone's past.
6) Having the house to myself for a little while tonight, even though I didn't take much advantage of it.

And now for the 8 friends. I'm gonna have to tag a few people not on LJ cuz I don't have 8 friends yet on here, and 2 of the ones I do have already did this. So, I tag (Liz and Casey I know I technically already tagged y'all in the Nerdfightastic vid, but just play along :-p), Chris Sanchez, Aubree Marlow,Sara Dodson, Mary MC, and Trevor Smith. Have fun with it and I hope brings out the best in your days like it did with mine =)

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