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5 Good Things

From the title it sounds like this is going to be one of those "tagging" blogs where people challenge you to do this and then pass it on. Ok, well in a way I guess it is, but I'm not going to officially tag anyone, but if you like the idea, feel free to do it in your own blog, or just in the comments. Basically I got the idea from a friend: When life is 5 things that are good, things you are thankful for. They can be small or large...but they have to be something you are glad for.

Things aren't quite overwhelming yet, but they're getting there. Anyways, here's my 5:

1) I got to take my roomie, Isaac, to Chico's Tacos for his first time. If you've never heard of Chico's it's a family owned chain of Mexican fast food restaurants in El Paso, TX. I really wish they'd at least expand to Las Cruces if no where else. It was nice to go, though, because my sister and I hadn't been in a while and kinda missed it. Hopefully, next time (when we'll be taking along another friend: Peyton and probably his g/f) Isaac will get the signature tacos instead of a cheeseburger.

2) I finally got my other roommate's printer installed on my computer so I can print stuff out when I need to, since I can't print from the school computers when I'm not a student.  This means that:

3) I can finally turn in an application that required a cover letter. I've had the cover letter ready for a while but didn't get to print it out before Mom and Dad left.

4) My roommates are awesome people (including Mike who is currently in Iraq somewhere), and I love how we're constantly encouraging, helping, and just generally having awesome times together (for proof of that check this out...I wish I could share the group of photos that came from).

5) I have an awesome God who is constantly watching over me, leading me, and providing for me, often in ways I would never have expected.

I feel like saying more, but for now I'll just leave it at this.

Doctor Who status: haven't gotten further in the classics yet, but I felt it worth reporting that the newer series now has a new Title graphic (that will start with the 11th Doctor's run), which has met with mixed reviews. If you're a Doctor Who fan, what do you think? Or even if you're an unbiased non-fan, what do you think?

VOTM (Verse of the Moment): Psalm 55:22 (NIV) Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.

1 comment:

aphness said...

I like the title graphic. Very cool Tardis incorporation. The DW reminds me of Arthur a lil bit =d