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Forget tomorrow or yesterday, just concentrate on today

I kinda feel like I need an excuse for not having blogged in a long while. But as someone who will eventually become a teacher, I think that unless it's an emergency, it's not really worth telling. So I'll just admit I'm probably not ever going to be consistent with this and just move on.

Consistency and dedication though are two things in my life that I really need to work on, though. Not just in this blog, but in my spiritual walk, my friendships, and my path to a career, among other areas.. I think it's been a problem I've had most of my life. When I put effort and discipline into something I do a pretty good job, but I have never been one who keeps it up for too long or long enough to make a difference to me or to others.

It's not that I haven't cared about any of these things. I don't know what the root of it is really. I just know it needs to change. And it's probably not gonna be something I can change on my own. In fact, doing it on my own (or trying to) is probably part of the problem. I need to rely on God and others a bit more. Of course that doesn't mean I just pass off all the work. It just means I need to share it, and not worry so much. If I stumble with the dedication/consistency once that shouldn't be cause to give up, but rather just find the motivation to pick right back up the next time and leave the past in the past. Like Dory in Finding Nemo says, "Just keep swimming", right?

I won't make a promise to keep this up more regularly, but I will at least start with just not giving up on it. Maybe I'll tweet less, and save up those groups of 140 characters for "macro-blogging" instead of "micro-blogs" :-p

Oh, and while I'm hear I guess I'll give a short update on life, bullet style:
- Still working at the Pan Am, but hopefully with more opportunities to work now that it appears I've moved up to Level 2
- It seems like the search/process of getting another job (better/regular hours) is hitting roadblocks at every turn, though I know that I need to put more effort/dedication into it than I have been lately.
- I'm learning more about God almost daily through semi-regular time in the Word, through my roommates, through things as random as Beast Wars and random blessings, and just other people.
- The lack of regular access to things I'm used to like cable, internet, food, and even sometimes just people/friends is humbling and kinda disheartening at times. I've adjusted well to some of that, but other times it gets me kinda down.

Last but not least, you should know I finished Beast Wars at least a month or so ago, moved on to Beast Machines, and have since (with the help of Netflix) moved onto the original Doctor Who episodes from the beginning. I'll be spacing them out with movies I have yet to see, so it may take a while. I may also need to upgrade my membership though, if I can afford it, since it seems the basic one is only 2 a month or something like that. So, I'll try and end these with where I'm at there. And to get back to the theme of consistency/dedication I'll also end with a verse from the Bible I've either been trying to memorize or/and one that's stood out to me recently for one reason or another.

Status of DW watching: The Beginning (An Unearthly Child, The Daleks, and whatever the name of the 3rd story was)
Verse of the moment: Matthew 6:34 (NIV) - Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough troubles of its own.

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